Sneak Peek – Faces

Today’s sneak peek looks at how faces have been brought into sculptures at this year’s show. Reminder – only 19 days to go!
First up we have Pete Moorhouse’s creation called ‘Congregation 2013′. This piece to me signifies one great big conversation between a group of people. The faces though identical in shape each reflect a very different picture upon their stainless steel surface, causing different patterns of light and dark. Perhaps this sculpture represents how different and how similar human beings are, all at one time. You can see some of the profiles reflected in other profiles, and maybe this adds to the thought that the people we know,and meet, sculpt the people we become in life through experiences. I love the different concepts you can gain from this sculpture, even it’s name ‘Congregation’ adds food for thought. Another sculpture which I’ll be interested to see how people respond to. Pete studied Sculpture at Bristol School of Art and Design. He has exhibited widely, undertaken several major public art commissions and has sculptures in collections in the UK and overseas. He was awarded Arts Council funding to further develop his work focusing on contemporary metal work processes and researching medical forms. Pete also works in education teaching sculpture and public art modules to all ages and provides workshops for schools to create permanent artworks for the school. Pete specialises in creating high quality sculpture for the outdoor environment and welcomes private commissions.
So if you come visit the show please feel free to leave a comment on the comment/reviews page about what you thought about this sculpture, as we’d all be interested to know!
Next up it Carol Peace with ‘Sitting’. In 2011 Carole’s piece was one that I spent a while photographing, the golden colour of the ‘Armour Girl’ really caught my attention. This year Carole has brought along two pieces, this piece ‘Sitting’ and another called ‘Reading’. ‘Sitting’ is a life size bronze resin sculpture and this year it is the pose and the facial expression that grabs my attention. I love how much the piece reflects thought and contemplation, and it makes you wonder what the Carole had in mind for what the girl is thinking about. I really admire how Carole creates such beautiful figures, and how exquisite the faces are, and this is why I’ve put this post under the ‘Faces’ category. This is a must see this year! Patron of RWA and co-founder the Bristol Drawing School, Carol Peace is an internationally renowned figurative sculptor who could not work without drawing. The process of drawing, that intuitive response, is what she aims for in her work. She studied sculpture at Winchester School of Art and Drawing at The Prince of Wales’s Drawing School in London. The sculptures are made in clay and once finished it is cast into bronze, those fluid marks of the making are then fixed forever.
Again some amazing sculptures that simply can’t be missed! So make your way down to the Cotswold this June or July and come and experience the show first hand.